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Simple Guidelines To Professional Essay Writing

Academic writing is very much different than writing a technical or creative work. This can make it a more difficult task for some to complete. While sitting down and mapping out your papers is the most useful strategy for making yours professional grade, there are a number of other things you can do to ensure your paper is a success.

Basic Structure

When setting up any professional grade paper you have to start with the basic structure. The basic structure is as follows:

Introductory paragraph: This is the first paragraph in any paper. This paragraph should engage the reader. A clearly written question, in which the author will seek to address throughout the paper, should be noted. Furthermore the author must lay out the details on how they plan on addressing the question and why the reader should take interest in the piece. You want to be sure the reader can get past this first paragraph.

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is essentially your main point. This statement should be included in the last sentence of your introduction. It should first appear as a simple assertion that can be fully developed on throughout the paper.

Body paragraph

The body of your paragraph is chalked full of life. The paragraph includes background information which seek to fully develop your main points described in the introductory paragraph. You will also offer to the readers several points of discussions. Two- three points for a basic one pager, more if the page count is higher. These paragraphs in the body will support your thesis statement.


The conclusion is your stopping point. It should logically flow from the body conclusion. This paragraph gives the author a chance to restate the main points, thieis and important details you have writing out in the rest of the paper. It is a simple summary.

Things to avoid

Following the basic structure for an academic structure can make it professional grade. Not only following these rules, but avoiding common mistakes should also make the paper a hit. Such mistakes one should avoid are the use of contractions, slang, and imprecise language. Other things to avoid are plagiarism, excessive wordiness, and excessive use of quotations. Also note spelling is a big issue and any professional writer should know the difference between words like to, too, and two. Following these rules will make you a pro.