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Academic Essay Writing Help: Troubleshooting Tips

Writing an essay can be tough. Truth be told, that’s part of the fun (at least for those of us that fine essay writing fun.) It’s a challenge, and it’s a test of your intellect and fortitude. There are a lot of things that you’re going to do in college that are going to challenge you and help you grow, and writing papers is definitely one of them. Whether you’re looking to write professionally or just to get by and pass your class, writing essays teach you more than just the topics you’re writing about.

But, again, it can be tough, which is why you’ll want to keep these troubleshooting tips in mind.

Don’t Know What to Write About?

Ask around. In real life, as Ringo Starr will tell you, you really do “Get By With a Little Help From [Your] Friends.” Your friends can provide something that’s absolutely invaluable—namely, a fresh perspective on both your topic and your essay.

What’s more, it’s always a good idea to have a friend you trust proofread your paper. You’re apt to miss something if you keep working hour after hour, day after day, week after week on the same project. A fresh pair of eyes can’t hurt.

Don’t Know Where to Start?

“Begin at the beginning…and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”

Sage advice from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Don’t overcomplicate things. Just start at the beginning of your paper and continue through. What’s the beginning of your paper? Your intro and thesis. You need those in place before you can proceed.

Can’t Formulate a Thesis?

That’s when you need to take a step back and look at your notes again. If you haven’t already brainstormed, this is the time to do just that. Write down whatever comes to mind, and see what sticks. You’re going to need a thesis before you get any further, so try and combine your preexistent ideas and ask yourself what you really think about the topic.

Do you Just Feel Totally Jammed?

Take a break. No, really. Take a step back, and relax. You won’t get anything done by stressing and straining. Even if the paper is due tomorrow (and while you should never wait until the night before, we’ve all been there, and we all know that happens) you can still take five or ten minutes if you’re feeling particularly tense and clear your mind.